The First Wrestling Tournament since the Pandemic
The seniors on the girls varsity team at the first tournament
The Kamehameha wrestling team has their first tournament since the pandemic started.
On Jan 14 the boys and girls varsity wrestling team had their first tournament at Saint Louis. All the tournaments are set up as dual meets, meaning that each team only challenges one team at a time and the team gets points depending on how the wrestler wins.
A pin is 6 points for the team, a technical fall (winning by 15 points) is 5 points for the team, a major decision (winning by 8-14 points) is 4 points, a minor decision (winning by 1-7 points) is 3 team points, and a forfeit is 6 team points.
The varsity boys had duals with Saint Louis, Punahou, and Iolani. While the girls’ varsity had duals with Punahou and Iolani.
Regarding covid safety, every wrestler on the starting lineup needs to test negative no more than 24 hours before the tournament. The only exception is if you tested positive for covid within 90 days of the tournament. Along with that everyone needs to wear a mask at all times, including while wrestling. There are also no spectators allowed in the gym but, there is a camera at each mat to live stream each match so families can watch from home.

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Aloha, my name is Kylee Bartholomew-Tangaro and I am from Nānākuli. I am a senior and I have been attending Kamehameha since the fourth grade. This is my first year in a Mōʻī but I am excited to be here. I have always loved advocation and talking about things that are important. I also enjoy wrestling and spending time with my family.