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The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

  • Dec 7, 12:00 am
The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

The News Site of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama

Ka Mō'ī

Anxiety affects 1 in 4 students. Heres what you need to know and how to help cope with anxiety.

Lifesaver Lumʻs Column: The Battle Against Anxiety

Joby Lum, Website/Technology Director March 12, 2020

Chances are, you, a friend or even a classmate is probably suffering from a form of anxiety. According to, “anxiety is the mind and body’s reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar...

Vaping has become a huge concern due to the huge spike in teens using ecigs.

Lifesaver Lumʻs Column: The Health Risks of Vaping

Joby Lum, Website/Technology Director March 11, 2020

You huff and you puff the vape out of your lungs. Vaping has become popular among youths in the past decade, but it has been causing health concerns. In a study released by the Yale Medical program,...

Lifesaverʻs president, Joby Lum, shares his experience and inspiration.

The Life of A Lifesaver

Ka Mōʻī Staff 2019-2020, Staff November 13, 2019

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