Hawaiian Homes for the Future
House Bill 451 proposed to lessen the blood quantum for successors of Hawaiian Homes.
According to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, this new legislation HB 451 only affects lessee beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920. The requested change in HB451 would allow these lessees to designate a spouse, child, grandchild, brother, or sister who is at least 3.125% (1/32) Hawaiian to succeed to the lease.
In other words, it would reduce the current required blood quantum from 25% to 3.125% (1/32). But, this does not affect the ability to get on the list. You would still need to meet the requirements of 50 percent or higher of Hawaiian Blood to apply for Hawaiian Homes.
Liko Abrigo, a student who lives on Hawaiian Homestead said “I think they should lower the percentage for blood quantum because right now to inherit the house you have to be 25%. But, to buy the house you need to be 50%… Luckily I am 25% but there are so many mixed nationalities nowdays that the Hawaiian is getting watered down.. Inherting the house means that its been in the family so losing a house because you are not enough Hawaiian would be very sad”.
The process to enact a bill requires many steps and is still not 100% guaranteed.
Although the Hawaii State Legislature passed this bill and the Governor, David Ige had signed this bill in 2017 it still requires approval from the United States Congress. There is no probable timeline for getting the consent of the US Congress.
For more information on the bill, please visit: http://dhhl.hawaii.gov/2017/05/17/housebill-451-legislation-reducing-blood-quantum-for-successors-frequently-asked-questions/

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Aloha, my name is Kylee Bartholomew-Tangaro and I am from Nānākuli. I am a senior and I have been attending Kamehameha since the fourth grade. This is my first year in a Mōʻī but I am excited to be here. I have always loved advocation and talking about things that are important. I also enjoy wrestling and spending time with my family.