Students Finish the School Year Through Distance Learning
Courtesy of Big Island Video News
With all in-school education now closed, school superintendent Christine Kishimoto speaks about how the Department of Education is pursuing different approaches to student learning
As three weeks have come to pass since the issued stay-at-home order, the DOE has announced that all schools are closed for the remainder of the school year, which is May 28th.
Joining the rest of the schools throughout the state with distance learning, all DOE schools’ in-school instruction – along with a formal commencement – is now canceled.
Since the closure of schools, many public-school students have been provided with ungraded “enrichment” assignments to continue learning. Now, teachers and students will officially communicate through distance learning approaches.
“Our buildings are closed, but our education system remains open,” said school superintendent Christine Kishimoto in a news conference on Friday. “In order to protect instruction during this major disruption, we are educating our students using distance learning, educational packets, and other approaches.”
In an effort to transition smoothly into the new distance learning approach, teachers are now being trained online for virtual teaching. “Our educators are doing tremendous work to reach out to and continue to educate our students,” said Kishimoto.
Kamehameha Schools senior Kyla Aken shared her feelings about the recent developments. “I feel that it is the best and safest option for the schools of Hawaii to take this course of action,” said Aken.
“I do believe that students deserve a better and more efficient method of learning because not all schools have the resources that we, Kamehameha Schools, do,” Aken said regarding the distance learning approach. “It’s important for all schools to continue teaching lessons to the extent that doesn’t interfere with family, personal, and, of course, the health of everyone’s lives.”

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Aloha! My name is Gisele Bisch, and I'm from the North Shore. Now a senior this year, I am delighted to say that this is my second year of being a staff member in Ka Mō'ī! I have a profound interest in sustainability, nutrition, drawing and painting, and social justice. As a staff member of Ka Mō'ī, I am fortunate to be able to utilize my student-voice and participate in discussions regarding these and other issues.