Playing A Part In The Community

Ka Leo O Hawaii

Student volunteers gather to get briefed on their activities for the day.

As high school students, it’s a great time to start thinking about community service.  We are always told to do community service because we either need service hours or because it looks good on college applications. Other than the appeal it shows on paper, community service can be very important for many other reasons.

Elizabeth Coleman (12), actively participates in giving back to the community.  “Community service is so important, especially for youth.  Besides its role in building caring individuals, service acts as a positive reminder of the truly great things in life.  In a society centered around fads and trends, community service helps us to be thankful for what we have instead of being unhappy with what we don’t.”

Through community service we are also able to encourage civic responsibility.  Students are able to make an investment in the community while encouraging others to do the same. Andrea, a volunteer coordinator at Queen’s West Oahu said, “I think that community service is extremely integral to the strength of any community.  By giving yourself and your time, you can truly enrich the lives of so many.  Stronger communities are safer, healthier and more prosperous, resulting in a more positive overall environment for all.”

In the end, we should all strive to make a positive impact and leave good footprints behind us as we continue to walk forward.