Inherent Right to Life: Voluntary Euthanasia
Is it in their right to decide who lives and who dies? The argument of the ethics and morals of voluntary euthanasia has gone on for far too long. Although there seems to be a detrimental standpoint of this procedure, we must think about our humanity and the question, how can we as humans allow the continuation of agonizing pain and suffering to be put upon a person when we have the capability to stop it?
Administering euthanasia may not be for everyone, it poses a choice for those who can no longer withstand this pain and suffering. For those who are not informed of the means of euthanasia, it is the occurrence of which a person dies by request due to their incapability of handling their pain and suffering due to being terminally ill.
There is a continuous controversy debating between the legalization of the voluntary
euthanasia procedure. Many people are skeptical due to the possibility of foul play or this idea that euthanasia is assisted suicide.
As humans, we should have the ability to realize that voluntary euthanasia is quite different from suicide. Euthanasia may only be taken into effect if the patient is terminally ill, while giving their full written and verbal consent while assisted suicide is at a means to say, a doctor can prescribe you a fatal dosage in which you yourself end your life without being physically or mentally ill.
Euthanasia revolves around this concept of freedom of choice, that every human has the capability and overall right to choose when to live or die. They have the responsibility and the mentality to know when the pain is too much for them.
In many cases, it seems that the majority of patients in the U.S. suffering from a terminal illness do not have the right to make this choice due to voluntary euthanasia only being legal in Washington DC, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.
This has become quite the controversial topic due individuals with highly religious backgrounds believing that euthanasia is against God’s will and testament.
For many religious individuals’ euthanasia can be seen as inhumane due to their own aspect that you cannot interfere with the natural object of death. From this religious perspective, it is seen that in life God would never give us anything that we were incapable of handling but at the same time God gave us the ability to choose. This idea of separation of church and state needs to be incorporated into the matter of euthanasia.
Although euthanasia is a controversy matter that not all will agree with, this matter is an ultimate choice, you as the individual or the patient decides or makes the decision to participate in euthanasia due to physical terminal illness.
It seems that as human beings we look at someone suffering and make the decision to do nothing, as humans we must find our humanity and look at this injustice that terminally ill patients seem to face every day.
We must look within ourselves and recognize that this is a choice, and imagine your own family member in the same situation as a terminally ill patient. Would you willing allow them to suffer because you’re afraid of letting go or because it’s against your belief? In today’s time, we must grasp the idea that people are entitled to their life, they have the inherent right to live or die, it is up to us as a nation to allow them that choice.

Hey guys! My name is Shannon Hussey and I am from Moanalua, O‘ahu. My hobbies are basically reading and hula, so let’s just say I don’t do much. This will be my second and final year on the Ka Mō‘ī Staff. I’m looking forward to providing you with stories showcasing life, as a student of Kamehameha. As I reach my thirteenth and final year on the hill, I look forward to embracing it through writing. My hope for this year is to provide students and faculty with interesting and factual stories.