Once Halloween passes, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of the holiday season. There are days of anticipation leading up to that endless Thanksgiving buffet, and Christmas starts to take over every aspect of the commercial world. While all enjoy these holidays, many tend to only appreciate these holidays on a superficial level.
Transferring the important values, like gratitude and love, that stem from the true meaning of the holidays are not only possible by doing acts of service. It is a wonderful idea to take time to serve food at a homeless shelter or donate toys and clothes to children in need, however, expressing appreciation can be done within our own school community.
Making a gratitude card for someone on campus is a simple but meaningful gift to share with someone special. A little acknowledgement to a friend who supports you whenever you need them or a counselor who has helped you through the beginning of your college applications can make someone’s day.
Going out of your way to pick up trash on campus is also a nice way to show your appreciation toward Pauahi for the phenomenal resources that she has gifted us. It is so easy to take the beautiful building that we learn in and the clean facilities we have access to for granted. We can all help out the janitors by keeping our rubbish off Konia field.
Take the time to get to know the faculty on campus. Say thank you to Uncle Dean and the rest of the ʻAkahi staff. Visit Aunty Uʻi and the other aunties in the Office. These people are helping out behind the scenes to make our high school experience amazing. Showing people around campus your appreciation this November is one of the best ways to help keep our campus community full of aloha.