Mahea Attempts to Think Deeply: The Vaping Epidemic
With more than 500 vaping-related lung illnesses and at least seven deaths reported to the CDC in late September 2019, the Trump Administration has suggested a ban on most vape devices and flavors with some exceptions. With recent information, it is said that approximately 1888 cases of vaping-related illnesses have been reported, including 37 deaths in 24 states.

Photo Caption: Teen vaping despite consequences and law
President Trump tweeted, “We can’t allow people to get sick. And we can’t have our youth be affected.”, in response to the vaping epidemic. If Trump stands true to this statement, his administration would carefully and thoroughly examine other issues relevant to youth health along with vaping to make this a solid reality. It is recorded that the top 3 leading causes of death in U.S. kids are car crashes, guns, and cancer. While President Trump and the first lady seem to be concerned about the health of the youth in America, especially since their son, Barron, falls into the age where many teens are subject to vaping, they should take into account what else could be done to improve the lives of the youth.
Slow violence is prolonged in American society with no set solutions and can take on many forms. Allowing slow violence to persist through legal substances, weapons, and the manipulation of the public is unacceptable. This calls into question the priorities of the Trump Administration and affirms that their agenda is meant to benefit a small proportion of people, leaving the rest of the U.S. population to fend for themselves.

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I joined the Ka Moi team to learn about the journalism world and to be apart of a group of young Hawaiians with a powerful voice. I want to travel around the world after attending college and join the Peace Corps. I am passionate about solving social and environmental issues. I surf as much as I can and I enjoy running distance races for track and cross country. I wants to be able to look back on my life when I am older with no regrets or bitterness.